I try to kill my pain, but only bring more...
Have you ever felt
Something evil
Lurking around?
The moon is full,
The streets are empty.
Shadows cover the town.
You can't call it,
You can't shake the feeling.
Quiet! Do not make a sound!
But the wind seems to speak,
Something's here in the room with me.
I know that something is wrong here,
I can feel it but no one believes me.
I know that something is strange here,
I can sense it but no one believes me.
No one believes me.
No one believes me.
No one believes me…
I feel like something is wrong here,
I can sense it but no one believes me.
I'm not crazy and no, I'm not loony.
I'm not insane.
I take a second,
I heard it, I know it.
Whispers say my name.
And the moon, calling for me,
And I'm scared.
Where do I go?
Where should I run?
It's in front, in the front of me.
No one's there...
Where do I go?
Where should I run?
Something evil
Lurking around?
The moon is full,
The streets are empty.
Shadows cover the town.
You can't call it,
You can't shake the feeling.
Quiet! Do not make a sound!
But the wind seems to speak,
Something's here in the room with me.
I know that something is wrong here,
I can feel it but no one believes me.
I know that something is strange here,
I can sense it but no one believes me.
No one believes me.
No one believes me.
No one believes me…
I feel like something is wrong here,
I can sense it but no one believes me.
I'm not crazy and no, I'm not loony.
I'm not insane.
I take a second,
I heard it, I know it.
Whispers say my name.
And the moon, calling for me,
And I'm scared.
Where do I go?
Where should I run?
It's in front, in the front of me.
No one's there...
Where do I go?
Where should I run?
Перевод хороший, молодец.))
А что за песня, если не секрет??
Поет Kid Cudi, назыв. No One Believes Me, можешь послушать, но вряли тебе такое понравится.
Зато прониклась Poets of the fall. А стоило всего лишь услышать Carnival Of Rust и всёё...!! Оценила ))
Тож самое для меня было, но меня зацепило, что это саундтрек к Ночи Страха, который я так жду, ну я и привыкла...
Зато прониклась Poets of the fall
отлично! Я рада, что они тебе понравились.